Elden Kraus z"l

Elden's Story...

As told by Daniel Kraus

Champion Status

In Beloved Memory

Share some of your hero's passions and joys, including the things that are most important to them.

Sports (especially baseball), history, art, education, Movies (especially “good movies”), and family.

Tell us about their cancer-related journey

He was diagnosed with leukemia (CML) and first took Gleevec® (developed based on research funded by ICRF), after about 5 years he took a few other medications that weren’t as effective. He received a stem cell transplant but was unable to recover. Unfortunately, he passed away in April 2010.

How have you been inspired by your hero?

He was such a hard worker, a great role model, and an example of what a man, a husband, and a father should be.

What is your hero's favorite mantra, quote, or saying?

At every mitzvah (important occasion) my father would say, "Take a mental picture because the picture will change over time.”

What advice would you have for people on their own cancer-related journey?

Every experience is different, but a glass half full outlook and some laughter can really be some of the best medicine available. Spend as much time as you can with the people you love.

Why is ICRF important to you?

Through medicine based on research funded by ICRF, it helped bring my father as close to his old self as possible. Even if it wasn’t for as long as we wanted, we are thankful for the extra time we had.